When shipping to many African countries, a document called ECTN or CTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note or Cargo Tracking Note) is required by local authorities/customs to be able to custom clear the cargo.

This document needs to be issued and purchased in advance and presented to the customs when clearing the cargo. 

Au L'Afrique Du Transport Maritime De Conteneurs we have many years of experience in dealing with these procedures and can assist you to get the necessary documents for your shipments.

These are the most common names used for Cargo Tracking Notes (CTN) in Africa, some countries use various names for this document, the price varies from one country to another but the concept is quite similar in all these countries.

Below the updated list (subject to changes without prior notice) of countries requiring a CTN document for import cargo:

  • Angola CNCA (Conselho Nacional de Carregadores de Angola)
  • Central Africa Republic ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Benin BESC (Bordereau Electronique de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Burkina Faso ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Burundi ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Cameroun BESC (Bordereau Electronique de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Chad ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Equatorial Guinea ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Democratic Rep. of Congo FERI (Fiche Électronique de Renseignement à l’Importation)
  • Republic of Congo Brazzaville ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Guinea Conakry ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Gabon BIETC (Bordereau d’Identification Électronique de Traçabilité des Cargaisons)
  • Guinea Bissau CTN (Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Liberia CTN (Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Libya ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Côte d’Ivoire BSC (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Madagascar BSC (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Mali BSC (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Niger BSC (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Nigeria ICTN (International Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Senegal BSC (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison)
  • Sierra Leone ENS (Entry Summary Declaration)
  • South Sudan ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)
  • Togo ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note)

NB: L'Afrique Du Transport Maritime De Conteneurs takes no responsibility in case the required documents are purchased by clients themselves or not purchased at all.



BESC ou CTN – La Électronique de Suivi des Cargaisons Note

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